Citation Requirements

All work reporting AES results or analysing the datafiles should credit the Australian Election Study as the source.

The appropriate citations for particular survey years are as follows:

2022McAllister, I., Sheppard, J., Cameron, S., Jackman, S. (2022). Australian Election Study 2022 [computer file], December 2022.
2019McAllister, I., Sheppard, J., Bean, C., Gibson, R., Makkai, T., Cameron, S. (2019). Australian Election Study 2019 [computer file], December 2019.
2016McAllister, I., Pietsch, J., Bean, C., Gibson, R., Makkai, T. (2017). Australian Election Study 2016 [computer file], February 2017.
2013McAllister, I., Pietsch, J., Bean, C., Gibson, R. (2014). Australian Election Study 2013 [computer file], January 2014.
2010McAllister, I., Bean, C., Gibson, R., Pietsch, J., (2011). Australian Election Study 2010 [computer file], May 2011.
2007Bean, C., McAllister, I., Gow, D. (2008). Australian Election Study 2007 [computer file], May 2008.
2004Bean, C., McAllister, I., Gibson, R., Gow, D. (2005). Australian Election Study 2004 [computer file], March 2005.
2001Bean, C., Gow, D., McAllister, I. (2002). Australian Election Study 2001 [computer file], April 2002.
1998Bean, C., Gow, D., McAllister, I. (1999). Australian Election Study 1998 [computer file], January 1999.
1996Jones, R., Gow, D., McAllister, I. (1996). Australian Election Study 1996 [computer file], June 1996.
1993Jones, R., McAllister, I., Denemark, D., Gow, D. (1993). Australian Election Study 1993 [computer file], August 1993.
1990McAllister, I., Jones, R., Gow, D. (1990). Australian Election Study 1990 [computer file], November 1990.
1987McAllister, I., Mughan, A. (1987). Australian Election Study 1987 [computer file], November 1987.
1979Aitkin, D. (2007). Australian National Political Attitudes Survey, 1979 [computer file], May 2007.
1969Aitkin, D., Kahan, M., Stokes, D. (2005). Australian National Political Attitudes Survey, 1969 [computer file], September 2005.
1967Aitkin, D., Kahan, M., Stokes, D. (2005). Australian National Political Attitudes Survey, 1967 [computer file], September 2005.