Publications: Books and Monographs

The 2022 Australian Federal Election: Results from the Australian Election Study
[Download] This report presents findings from the 2022 Australian Election Study (AES). This report provides insights into what shaped voters’ choices in the election as well as attitudes towards policy issues, the political leaders, and the functioning of Australian democracy.
Sarah Cameron, Ian McAllister, Simon Jackman and Jill Sheppard. 2022. The 2022 Australian Federal Election: Results from the Australian Election Study. Canberra: The Australian National University.

Trends in Australian Political Opinion: Results from the Australian Election Study, 1987-2022
[Download] This monograph presents trends in Australian public opinion on politics over an extended period of time. Running since 1987, the Australian Election Study provides the most sophisticated and comprehensive source of evidence ever collected on political attitudes and behaviour in Australia. The monograph includes over 100 charts to track long term trends in attitudes towards elections, policy issues, leaders and the political parties.
Sarah Cameron and Ian McAllister. 2022. Trends in Australian Political Opinion: Results from the Australian Election Study 1987-2022. Canberra: The Australian National University.

The Australian Voter
Ian McAllister. 2011. The Australian Voter: Fifty Years of Change. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.
[View title on publisher’s website]
Sarah Cameron and Ian McAllister. 2019. The 2019 Australian Federal Election: Results from the Australian Election Study. Canberra: The Australian National University.
Sarah Cameron and Ian McAllister. 2019. Trends in Australian Political Opinion: Results from the Australian Election Study 1987-2019. Canberra: The Australian National University.
Russell J. Dalton, David M. Farrell and Ian McAllister. 2011. Political Parties and Democratic Linkage: How Parties Organize Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[View title on publisher’s website]
Juliet Pietsch, Brian Graetz and Ian McAllister. 2010. Dimensions of Australian Society. Third edition. Melbourne: Palgrave Macmillan.
[View title on publisher’s website]
David M. Farrell and Ian McAllister. 2005. The Australian Electoral System: Origins, Variations and Consequences. Sydney: University of NSW Press.
[View title on publisher’s website]
Rachel K. Gibson. 2002. The Growth of Anti-Immigrant Parties in Western Europe. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press.
[View title on publisher’s website]
Publications: Edited Books
Edited Books |
Marta Cantijoch, Rachel Gibson and Stephen Ward. Eds. 2014. Analysing Social Media Data and Web Networks. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. |
Sarah Oates, Diana Owen and Rachel Gibson. Eds. 2005. The Internet and Politics: Citizens, Voters and Activists. London: Routledge. |
Shaun Wilson, Gabrielle Meagher, Rachel Gibson, David Denemark, and Mark Western. Eds. 2005. Australian Social Attitudes 2003: The First Report. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press. |
Andrea Römmele, Rachel Gibson, Stephen J. Ward. Eds. 2004. Electronic Democracy: Political Organisations, Mobilisation andParticipation Online. London: Routledge. |
Rachel Gibson, and Stephen J Ward and Paul Nixon Eds. 2003. Political Parties and the Internet: Net Gain?. London: Routledge. |
Rachel Gibson and Stephen J. Ward. Eds. 2000. Reinvigorating Democracy: British Politics and the Internet. Ashgate. Aldershot: UK |
Clive Bean, Bennett, S, Simms, M & Warhurst, J, editors. 1997. The Politics of Retribution: The 1996 Australian Federal Election. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. |
Clive Bean, editor. 1994. 1993 Federal Election (Special issue of the Australian Journal of Political Science 29). |
Brian Galligan, Ian McAllister and John Ravenhill, editors. 1997. New Developments in Australian Politics. Melbourne: Macmillan. xx + 300pp. |
Ian McAllister and Rhonda Moore, editors. 1991. Party Strategy and Change: Australian Electoral Policy Speeches Since 1946. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire. xiv + 328pp. |
Clive Bean, Ian McAllister and John Warhurst, editors. 1990. The Greening of Australian Politics: The 1990 Federal Election. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire. xvii + 229pp. |
Ian McAllister and John Warhurst, editors. 1988. Australia Votes: The 1987 Federal Election. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire. xi + 267pp. |
Publications: Book Chapters
Book Chapters |
Danielle Chubb and Ian McAllister. 2019. 'Public Attitudes Towards the Future Defence of Australia' In After American Primacy: Imagining the Future of Australia’s Defence. Peter J. Dean, Stephan Fruhling and Brendan Taylor (eds.) Melbourne: Melbourne University Press. |
Ian McAllister and Toni Makkai. 2018. 'Battlers and Aspirationals: The Liberal Party and the Median Voter' In Australian Social Attitudes IV: The Age of Insecurity. Shaun Wilson and Markus Hadler (eds.) Sydney: Sydney University Press. |
Ian McAllister and Toni Makkai. 2017. 'Electoral Systems in Context: Australia ' In The Oxford Handbook of Electoral Systems. Erik Herron, Robert Pekkanen and Matthew Shugart (eds.) Oxford: Oxford University Press. |
Rachel Gibson. 2016. 'Online Elections' In The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. Gianpetro Mazzoleni (ed.) Wiley Blackwell. |
Pietsch, Juliet and Ian McAllister. 2016. 'How Strong is the Bond? First and Second-Generation Immigrants and Confidence in Australia Political Institutions.' In Antoine Bilodeau, editor, Just Ordinary Citizens: Towards A Comparative Portrait of the Political Immigrant. Toronto: Toronto University Press. Pp-98-112. |
Ian McAllister. 2015. 'Reforming the Senate Electoral System.' In Julian Leeser, editor. Upholding the Australian Constitution. Law Courts, Vic: The Samuel Griffith Society. Pp.73-100. |
Ian McAllister. 2015. 'Australian Public Opinion Towards the Iraq War.' In Ramesh Thakur, editor, Australian and Canadian Perspectives on the Iraq War: Perspectives on an Invasion. Toronto: Dundurn Press. Pp.275-299. |
Clive Bean and Ian McAllister. 2015. 'Documenting the Inevitable: Voting Behaviour in the 2013 Australian Election.' In Carol Johnson and John Wanna, editors, Abbott's Gambit: The 2013 Australian Federal Election. Canberra: ANU E-Press. |
Rachel Gibson. 2014. 'Introduction' In The Internet and Democracy in Global Perspective: Voters, Candidates, Parties and Social Movements. (eds.) Grofman, G. A. Trechsel and M. Franklin. London: Springer: 1-5. |
Laura M. Suddulich, Matthew Wall, Rachel Gibson, Marta Cantijoch and Stephen J. Ward. 2014. 'Introduction The importance of method in the study of the 'political Internet' In Analyzsing Social Media Data and Web Networks Cantijoch, M., Gibson, R. and S. Ward. (eds.) Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK: 1-22. |
Bean, C. (2013). 'Queensland.' In H. Sykes, ed., The Story of the 2013 Election: Insight & Analysis from Australian's Leading Minds. Future Leaders, pp. 107-110. |
Juliet Pietsch and Ian McAllister. 2012. 'Fear of Terrorism and Public Opinion.' In Juliet Pietsch and Haydon Aarons, editors, Australia: Identity, Fear and Governance in the 21st Century. Canberra: Australian National University ePress. Pp.79-94. |
Rachel Gibson and Stephen J. Ward. 2012. 'Political Organisations and Campaigning Online'. In The Handbook of Political Communication. Semetko, Holli and Margaret Scammel (eds.) Sage. 62-74. |
Ian McAllister. 2012. 'Early Promise Unfulfilled: The Electoral Representation of Women in Australia.' In Manon Tremblay, editor, Women and Legislative Representation: Electoral Systems, Political Parties, and Sex Quotas. London: Palgrave Macmillan. (Revised and updated edition) Pp.95-105. [Download] |
Bean, Clive and Ian McAllister. 2012. 'Electoral Behaviour in the 2010 Australian Federal Election.' In Marian Simms and John Wanna, editors, Julia 2010: The Caretaker Election. Canberra: ANU e-Press. Pp.341-356. [Download] |
Bean, C. (2012). 'Are We Keeping the Bastards Honest? Perceptions of Corruption, Integrity and Influence on Politics.' In H. Aarons and J. Pietsch, eds, Australia: Identity, Fear and Governance in the 21st Century. Canberra: ANU E Press, pp. 95-106. [Download] |
S. Coleman, R. Gibson and A. Schneeberger. 2012. 'Democratic Consultation and the E-Citizen' In Connecting Democracy: Online Consultation and the Flow of Political Communication Coleman. S. and P. M. Shane. (eds.) MIT Press: Boston, MA. |
Ian McAllister. 2011. 'Political Leaders in Westminster Systems.' In Kees Aarts, Andre Blais and Hermann Schmitt, editors, Political Leaders and Democratic Elections. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp.52-75. |
Vincent Campbell, Rachel Gibson, Barrie Gunter and Maria Touri. 2009. 'News Blogs and the Future of Newspapers' In Web Journalism: Critical Perspectives. Monaghan, Garrett and Sean Tunney (eds.) Sussex Academic Press: Eastbourne. |
Ian McAllister. 2009. 'Elections and Electoral Behavior.' In R.A.W. Rhodes, The Australian Study of Politics. London: Palgrave Macmillan. Pp. 160-172. |
Bean, C. (2009). 'Trends in National Party Support.' In L.C. Botterill and G. Cockfield, eds., The National Party: Prospects for the Great Survivors. Sydney: Allen & Unwin, pp. 67-80. |
Bean, C. (2009). 'Public Perceptions of Elections: An Australia-New Zealand Comparison.' In M. Francis and J. Tully, eds., In the Public Interest: Essays in Honour of Professor Keith Jackson. Christchurch: Canterbury University Press, pp. 126-140. |
Bean, C. (2009). 'New Zealand.' In M.N. Franklin, T.T. Mackie, H. Valen et al., Electoral Change: Responses to Evolving Social and Attitudinal Structures in Western Countries. Colchester: ECPR Press, pp. 285-306. |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2008. 'Australia: Potential Unfulfilled? The 2004 Election Online.' In Richard Davis, Diana Owen, David Taras and Stephen Ward, editors, Making a Difference: A Comparative View of the Role of the Internet in Election Politics. Lanham MD: Lexington Press. Pp.35-56. [Download] |
Rachel Gibson and Stephen J. Ward. 2008. 'Organised Interests and New Social Movements in the UK and Europe'. In The Handbook of Internet Politics. Chadwick, A. and P. Howard (eds.) Routledge,: 25-39. |
Rachel Gibson, Wainer Lusoli and Stephen J. Ward. 2008. 'Italian elections online: ten years on' In The Italian General Election of 2006. J. Newell (ed.) Manchester University Press 2008: 177-199. |
Rachel Gibson, Stephen J. Ward and Wainer Lusoli. 2008. 'The UK: Parties and the 2005 Virtual Election Campaign - Not Quite Normal?' In Making a Difference? Internet Campaigning in Comparative Perspective. Davis, R., Owen, D., Taras, D. and S.J. Ward (eds.) Lexington Books: Lanham MD: 133-160. |
Rachel Gibson Andrea Ršmmele. 2008. 'Political Communication'. In Comparative Politics. D. Caramini (ed.) Oxford University Press.: 473-491. |
Rachel Gibson, Stephen J. Ward, Peter Chen and Wainer Lusoli 2007. 'Australian Government and Online Communication.' In Government Communication in Australia. S. Young (ed.) Cambridge University Press: 161-180. |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2007. 'Defence, Security and the Iraq War.' In David Denemark, Gabrielle Meagher, Shaun Wilson, Mark Western and Timothy Phillips, editors, Australian Social Attitudes 2: Citizenship, Work and Aspirations. Sydney: University of NSW Press. Pp.37-57. [Download] |
Ian McAllister. 2007. 'National Identity Among Australian Citizens and Elites.' In Victoria Mason, editor, Loyalties. Perth: Network Books. Pp.119-130. |
Bean, C. (2007). 'Young People's Voting Patterns.' In L.J. Saha, M. Print and K. Edwards, eds., Youth and Political Participation. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 33-50. |
Clive Bean and Ian McAllister. 2005. 'Not an Election of Interest (Rates): Voting Behaviour in the Australian Federal Election of 2004.' In Mortgage Nation, eds Marian Simms and John Warhurst. Brisbane: University of Queensland Press. Pp.319-334. |
Bean, C. and D. Denemark (2007). 'Citizenship, Participation, Efficacy and Trust in Australia.' In D. Denemark, G. Meagher, S. Wilson, M. Western and T. Phillips, eds., Australian Social Attitudes 2: Citizenship, Work and Aspirations. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press, pp. 58-80. |
Bean, C. (2005). 'Is There a Crisis of Trust in Australia?' In S. Wilson, G. Meagher, R. Gibson, D. Denemark and M. Western, eds., Australian Social Attitudes: The First Report. Sydney: UNSW Press, pp. 122-140. [Download] |
Ian McAllister. 2003. 'Australia: Party Politicians as a Political Class.' In The Political Class in Advanced Democracies, eds Jens Borchert and Juergen Zeiss. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 26-44. |
Ian McAllister. 2002. 'Political Parties in Australia: Party Stability in a Utilitarian Society.' In Political Parties at the Millennium: Adaptation and Decline in Democratic Societies, ed Paul Webb, David Farrell, Ian Holliday. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 379-408. |
Clive Bean and Ian McAllister. 2002. 'From Impossibility to Certainty: Explaining the Coalition's Election Victory.' In 2001: The Centenary Election, eds John Warhurst and Marian Simms. Brisbane: University of Queensland Press. Pp.271-86. |
Ian McAllister. 2002. 'Calculating or Capricious? The New Politics of Late Deciding Voters.' In Do Political Campaigns Matter? Campaign Effects in Elections and Referendums, eds David Farrell and Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck. London: Routledge. Pp.22-40. |
Ian McAllister and John Wanna. 2001. 'Citizens' Expectations and Perceptions of Governance.' In Are You Being Served? State, Citizens and Governance, eds Glyn Davis and Patrick Weller. Sydney: Allen and Unwin. Pp.7-35. |
David Farrell and Ian McAllister, 2000. 'Through a Glass Darkly: Understanding the World of STV.' In Elections in Australia, Ireland and Malta Under the Single Transferable Vote: Reflections on an Embedded Institution, eds Shaun Bowler and Bernard Grofman. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press. Pp.17-36. |
Bernadette Hayes and Ian McAllister. 2000. 'Gender, Party Leaders, and Electoral Outcomes in Australia, Britain and the United States.' In Feminism and Politics Volume 1: The International Library of Politics and Comparative Government, ed Joni Lovenduski. Aldershot: Ashgate. Pp.359-82. |
Clive Bean and Ian McAllister. 2000. 'Voting Behaviour.' In Howard's Agenda: The 1998 Australian Election, eds Marian Simms and John Warhurst. Brisbane: University of Queensland Press. |
Publications: Journal Articles
Journal Articles |
Sarah Cameron and Ian McAllister. 2024. 'The decline of political leader popularity in Australia: Partisan dealignment and leader integrity in Australia' Electoral Studies 87: 1-13. |
Sarah Cameron and Ian McAllister. 2024. 'The Coup Capital of the Democratic World? Voters and Prime Ministerial Change in Australia' Australian Journal of Politics and History 70(1): 120-134. |
Ruth Dassonneville and Ian McAllister. 2021. 'Explaining the decline of political trust in Australia' Australian Journal of Political Science 56(3): 280-297. |
Katrine Beauregard. 2021. ' Sexism and the Australian voter: how sexist attitudes influenced vote choice in the 2019 federal election' Australian Journal of Political Science 56(3): 298-317. |
Sarah Cameron and Juliet Pietsch. 2021. 'Migrant attitudes towards democracy in Australia: Excluded or allegiant citizens?' Australian Journal of Politics and History 67(2): 260-275. |
Intifar Sadiq Chowdhury. 2021. 'Are young Australians turning away from democracy?' Australian Journal of Political Science 56(2): 171-188. |
Jill Sheppard, Marija Taflaga and Liang Jiang. 2020. 'Explaining High Rates of Political Participation among Chinese Migrants to Australia' International Political Science Review 41(3): 385-401. |
Sarah Cameron and Ian McAllister. 2020. 'Policies and performance in the 2019 Australian federal election' Australian Journal of Political Science 55(3): 239-256. |
Woo Chang Kang and Emily Look. 2020. 'Inequality and Attitudes Toward Immigration: The Native-Immigrant Gap ' Australian Journal of Political Science 55(3): 257-275. |
Sarah Cameron. 2020. 'Government performance and dissatisfaction with democracy in Australia' Australian Journal of Political Science 55(2): 170-190. |
Timothy Hellwig and Ian McAllister. 2019. ' Party Positions, Asset Ownership and Economic Voting' Political Studies 67(4): 912-931. |
Ian McAllister and Toni Makkai. 2019. 'The Decline and Rise of Class Voting? From Occupation to Culture in Australia' Journal of Sociology 55(3): 426-445. |
Jill Sheppard and Katrine Beauregard. 2018. 'Early Voting in Australia: The Costs and Benefits of Convenience' Political Science 70(2): 117-134. |
Timothy Hellwig and Ian McAllister. 2016. 'Does the Economy Matter? Economic Perceptions and the Vote in Australia'. Australian Journal of Political Science 51(2): 236-254. |
Rachel Gibson, Fabienne Greffet and Marta Cantijoch. 2016. 'Friend or Foe?: Digital Technologies and the Changing Nature of Party Membership'. Political Communication 34(1): 89-111. |
John Aldrich, Rachel Gibson, Marta Cantijoch and Tobias Konitzer. 2016. 'Getting Out the Vote in the Social Media Era: Are Digital Tools Changing the Extent, Nature and Impact of Party Contacting in Elections?'. Party Politics 22(2): 165-178 doi: 10.1177/1354068815605304 |
Burnap, P., Gibson, R., Sloan, L., Southern, R. and Williams, M., 2016. '140 characters to victory?: Using Twitter to predict the UK 2015 General Election'. Electoral Studies. 41: 230–233 doi: 10.1016/j.electstud.2015.11.017 |
Ian McAllister, Clive Bean and Jillian Sheppard. 2015. 'Valence and Spatial Explanations for Voting in the 2013 Australian Election.' Australian Journal of Political Science 50(3): 330-346. doi: 10.1080/10361146.2015.1005005 [Download] |
Dalton, Russell J. and Ian McAllister. 2015. 'Random Walk or Planned Excursion? Continuity and Change in the Left–Right Positions of Political Parties.' Comparative Political Studies 48(6): 759-787. doi: 10.1177/0010414014558257 |
Ian McAllister. 2015. 'The Personalization of Politics in Australia.' Party Politics. 21(3): 337-345. doi: 10.1177/1354068813487111 [Download] |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2015. 'New Media, Elections and the Political Knowledge Gap in Australia.' Journal of Sociology 51(2): 337-353. doi: 10.1177/1440783314532173 [Download] |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2015. 'Normalizing or Equalizing Party Competition? Assessing the Impact of the Web on Election Campaigning.' Political Studies 63(3): 529-547. doi: 10.1111/1467-9248.12107 |
Bean, C. (2015). 'Changing Citizen Confidence: Orientations towards Political and Social Institutions in Australia, 1983-2010.' The Open Political Science Journal, 8: 1-9. [Download] |
Marta Cantijoch, Rachel Gibson and David Cutts. 2015. 'Moving Slowly up the Ladder of Political Engagement: A 'Spill-over' Model of Internet Participation.' British Journal of Politics and International Relations First published online: | doi: 10.1111/1467-856X.12067 |
Bimber, B., Cunill, M. C., Copeland, L, and R. Gibson. 2015. 'Digital Media and Political Participation The Moderating Role of Political Interest Across Acts and Over Time.' Social Science Computer Review, 33(1), 21-42. doi: 10.1177/0894439314526559 |
Marta Cantijoch, Silvia Galandini and Rachel Gibson. 2015. 'Civic Websites and Community Engagement: A Mixed Methods Study of Citizen Empowerment Initiatives.' New Media and Society 2015 doi: 10.1177/1461444815616225 |
Ian McAllister. 2014. 'Corruption and Confidence in Australian Political Institutions.' Australian Journal of Political Science 49(2): 174-185. [Download] |
Ian McAllister. 2014. 'The Politics of Lowering the Voting Age in Australia: Evaluating the Evidence.' Australian Journal of Political Science 49(1): 68-83. [Download] |
Skrbis, Z., I. Woodward and C. Bean (2014). 'Seeds of Cosmopolitan Future? Young People and their Aspirations for Future Mobility.' Journal of Youth Studies, 17 (5): 614-625. [Download] |
Karolina Koc-Michalska, Rachel Gibson & Thierry Vedel. 2014. 'Online Campaigning in France, 2007–2012: Political Actors and Citizens in the Aftermath of the Web.2.0 Evolution.' Journal of Information Technology & Politics 11 (2): 220-244. doi: 10.1080/19331681.2014.903217 |
Rachel Gibson and Marta Cantijoch. 2014. 'Is Online Participation Really Different to Offline?: Conceptualizing and Measuring E-Participation.' Journal of Politics 2013 75 (3):701-716. doi: |
Rachel Gibson. 2013. 'Party change, social media and the rise of 'citizen-initiated' campaigning.' Party Politics 2013 1-15. doi: 10.1177/1354068812472575 |
Robert Ackland and Rachel Gibson. 2013. 'Hyperlinks and Political Communication: A Comparative Study of Parties Online.' International Journal of Social Research Methodology 2013 16 (3): 231-244 doi: 10.1080/13645579.2013.774179 |
Rachel Gibson, Kevin Gillan, Fabienne Greffet, Benjamin Lee and Stephen Ward. 2013. 'Party Organizational Change and ICTs: The Growth of a Virtual Grassroots.' New Media and Society 15(1): 31-51. doi: 10.1177/1461444812457329 |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2013. 'Online Social Ties and Political Engagement.' Journal of Information Technology and Politics 10(1): 21-34. [Download] |
Ian McAllister, Clive Bean and Juliet Pietsch. 2012. 'Leadership Change, Policy Issues and Voter Defection in the 2010 Australian Election.' Australian Journal of Political Science 47(2): 189-209. [Download] |
Rachel Gibson. 2012. 'From Brochureware to 'MyBo': An Overview of Online Elections and Campaigning.' politics 32(2): 77-84 doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9256.2012.01429.x |
Denemark, D., I. Ward and C. Bean (2012). 'Gender and Leader Effects in the 2010 Australian Election.' Australian Journal of Political Science, 47 (4): 563-578. [Download] |
Thompson, L., B. Fredericks, D. Wadley, C. Bean and M. Walter (2012). 'Exploring Indigenous Social Attitudes and Priorities in Australia.' Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, 15 (1): 64-75. |
Bean, C. (2012). 'Democratic Participation in a Globalised World: Immigrants in Australia in the Early 21st Century.' Australian Journal of Political Science, 47 (1): 115-131. [Download] |
Rachel Gibson and Marta Cantijoch. 2011. 'Comparing Online Elections in Australia and the UK: Did 2010 Finally Produce 'The' Internet Election?.' Communication, Politics & Culture, 44 (2): 4-17. doi: 626957512319800 |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2011. 'Do Online Election Campaigns Win Votes? The 2007 Australian YouTube Election.' Political Communications 28(2): 227–244. [Download] |
Bean, C. (2011). 'The Internet and Democratic Engagement in Australia.' Social Alternatives, 30 (3): 26-30. |
Juliet Pietsch and Ian McAllister. 2010. '"A Diabolical Challenge": Public Opinion and Climate Change Policy in Australia.' Environmental Politics 19(2): 217-236. |
Juliet Pietsch and Ian McAllister. 2010. 'Human Security in Australia: Public Interest and Political Consequences.' Australian Journal of International Affairs 64(2): 225-44. [Download] |
Bilodeau, Antoine, Ian McAllister and Mebs Kanji. 2010. 'Adaptation to Democracy among Immigrants in Australia.' International Political Science Review 31(2): 141-165. [Download] |
Robert Ackland, Rachel Gibson, Wainer Lusoli and Stephen Ward. 2010. 'Engaging with the public? Assessing the online presence and communication practices of the Nanotechnology Industry.' Social Science Computer Review. 28: 4 28: 443-465. doi: 10.1177/0894439310362735 |
Rachel Gibson. 2009. 'New Media and the Revitalisation of Politics.' Representation 45 (3): 289-99. |
Rachel Gibson and Stephen J. Ward. 2009, 'Parties in the Digital Age: A Review Article.' Representation 45(1): 87-100 doi: 10.1080/00344890802710888 |
Rachel Gibson and Andrea Römmele. 2009. 'Measuring the Professionalisation of Political Campaigning.'' Party Politics 2009 15(3): 265-293. doi: 10.1177/1354068809102245 |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2009. 'Mode Effects in Online Election Surveys: Lowering the 'Political Desirability Bias?'.' The Journal of Political Marketing 8(2): 105-129. doi: 10.1080/15377850902813360 |
Vincent Campbell, Rachel Gibson, Barrie Gunter, and Maria Touri. 2009. 'Blogs, news and credibility.' Aslib Proceedings 61 (2) 185-204. doi: |
Bean, Clive and Ian McAllister. 2009. 'The Tale of the Rabbit-less Hat: Voting Behaviour in 2007.' Australian Cultural History 27(2): 205-218. |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2009. 'Online Election Surveys: Keeping the Voters Honest?' Journal of Political Marketing 8: 105-129. [Download] |
Rachel Gibson, Stephen J. Ward and W. Lusoli. 2008. 'The Australian Public and Politics Online: Reinforcing or Reinventing Representation?.' Australian Journal of Political Science 43(1): 111-131. doi: 10.1080/10361140701842607 |
Rachel Gibson and Stephen J. Ward. 2008. 'e-Politics: The Australian Experience.' Australian Journal of Political Science 43(1) 1-11. doi: 10.1080/10361140701842524 |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2008. 'Designing Online Election Surveys: Lessons from the 2004 Australian Election.' Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 18(4): 387-400. [Download] |
Ian McAllister. 2008. 'Public Support for Democracy: Results from the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems Project.' Electoral Studies 27(1): 1-4. |
Woodward, I., Z. Skrbis and C. Bean (2008). 'Attitudes towards Globalization and Cosmopolitanism: Cultural Diversity, Personal Consumption and the National Economy.' British Journal of Sociology, 59(2): 207-226. [Download] |
Rachel Gibson, Stephen Ward and Wainer Lusoli. 2007. 'Australian MPs and the Internet: Adopting or Avoiding the Digital Age?.' Australian Journal of Public Administration 66(2): 210-222. |
Rachel Gibson, Wainer Lusoli and Stephen Ward. 2007. 'Nationalising and Normalising the Local: A Comparative Analysis of Online Candidate Campaigning in Australia and Britain.' Journal of Information Technology and Politics 4(4): 15-30. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8500.2007.00529. |
Denemark, D., I. Ward and C. Bean (2007). 'Election Campaigns and Television News Coverage: The Case of the 2001 Australian Election.' Australian Journal of Political Science, 42(1): 89-109. |
Ian McAllister and Clive Bean. 2006. 'Leaders, the Economy or Iraq? Explaining Voting in the 2004 Australian Election.' Australian Journal of Politics and History 52(4): 604-620. [Download] |
Rachel Gibson, Stephen J. Ward and Wainer Lusoli. 2006. 'Reconnecting Po doi: 10.1093/pa/gsj010litics? Parliament the Public and the Internet.' Parliamentary Affairs 59(1): 24-42. doi: 10.1093/pa/gsj010 |
Rachel Gibson and Ian McAllister. 2006. 'Does Cyber-Campaigning Win Votes? Online Communication in the 2004 Australian Election' Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 16(3): 243-263. |
David Farrell and Ian McAllister. 2006. 'Voter Satisfaction and Electoral Systems: Does Preferential Voting in Candidate-Centred Systems make a Difference?' European Journal of Political Research 45(5): 725-49. |
Vowles, J. and C. Bean (2006). 'Electoral Politics: Does Globalisation Matter?' Australian Journal of Political Science, 41(2) (Special Issue: Globalising the Antipodes? Policy and Politics in Australia and New Zealand): 273-288. |
Bean, C. (2005). 'How the Political Audiences of Australian Public and Commercial Television Channels Differ.' Australian Journal of Communication, 32(2): 41-55. |
Ian McAllister. 2003. 'Border Protection, the 2001 Australian Election and the Coalition Victory.' Australian Journal of Political Science 38(3): 445-464. [Download] |
Anthony Mughan, Clive Bean and Ian McAllister. 2003. 'Economic Globalization, Job Insecurity and the Populist Reaction.' Electoral Studies 22(4): 617-33. [Download] |
Rachel Gibson, Ian McAllister and Tami Swenson. 2002. 'The Politics of Race and Immigration in Australia: One Nation Voting in the 1998 Election.' Ethnic and Racial Studies 25(5): 823-44. [Download] |
John Higley and Ian McAllister. 2002. 'Elite Division and Voter Confusion: Australia's 1999 Republic Referendum.' European Journal of Political Research 40(4). (Lawrence LeDuc and Palle Svensson, eds, 'Interests, Information and Voting in Referendums', special issue). [Download] |
Ian McAllister. 2001. 'Elections Without Cues: The 1999 Australian Republic Referendum.' Australian Journal of Political Science 36(2): 247-269. [Download] |
Ian McAllister and Clive Bean. 2000. 'The Electoral Politics of Economic Reform in Australia: The 1998 Election.' Australian Journal of Political Science 35(3): 383-400. |
Ian McAllister. 2000. 'Keeping Them Honest: Public and Elite Perceptions of Ethical Conduct Among Australian Legislators.' Political Studies 48(1): 22-37. [Download] |
Conference Presentations
Conference Presentations |
[Download] Katrine Beauregard. January 4, 2017. 'Gender Quotas in the 2016 Election'. Paper prepared for presentation at the Joint Quantitative Political Science Conference for Asia and Australasia, University of Sydney, 9-11 January 2017. |
[Download] Jill Sheppard. January 4, 2017. 'Moral Politics, Social Permissiveness and Voting in Australia'. Paper prepared for presentation at the Joint Quantitative Political Science Conference for Asia and Australasia, University of Sydney, 9-11 January 2017. |
[Download] Timothy Hellwig and Ian McAllister. January 4, 2017. 'Party Positions and Patrimonial Economic Voting'. Paper prepared for presentation at the Joint Quantitative Political Science Conference for Asia and Australasia, University of Sydney, 9-11 January 2017. |
[Download] Ian McAllister and Stephen Quinlan. May 27, 2019. 'Leader or Party? Evaluating the Personalization of Politics Thesis'. A paper prepared for the Canadian Political Studies Association meetings, Session F14(b) ‘Voters in Context: Evidence form the Comparative Study of Electoral Systems Project’, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 4-6 June 2019. We acknowledge the research assistance of Klara Dentler of the GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. This research was also made possible through the support of the ANU RSSS Fellowship Scheme. |
[Download] Stephen Quinlan and Ian McAllister. 10 July 2019. 'Misreporting Turnout: Explaining Survey Error in National Election Studies'. A paper prepared for the European Social Research Association conference, Zagreb, 15-19 July 2019, Session 'Total Survey Error and Cross-Cultural Survey Research: Methodological Challenges and Coping Strategies'. |